President' Time
May is History Month in Rotary. As a segue into today's program, President Debbie shared with us, the history of Rotary in Cuba.
The first Rotary club to be organized outside an English-speaking country was established in Havana, Cuba, 29 April 1916, with 22 charter members. The club was admitted to Rotary on 1 June 1916.
During 1923, the Rotary Club of Havana celebrated its seventh anniversary, in what became a very busy year. The club sponsored a carnival attended by more than 1,500 children, won a prohibition against bullfighting in Cuba, worked to get the city’s water sanitized and properly purified, and obtained pavement repairs in certain areas.
By the time the RI Convention was held in Havana, 9-14 June 1940, 42 of the 48 clubs that had been chartered in Cuba were still active. Another 20 clubs would be chartered thereafter, ending with the Rotary Club of San Cristobal, on 16 October 1957.
Rotary clubs in Cuba produced four RI directors – Mario Nuñoz Mesa, 1922-23; Felix Silva Fernandez, 1936-37; Manuel Galigarcia Hernández, 1942-43; and Horacio Navarrete, 1953-54. All clubs in Cuba were terminated by 31 January 1979.
DUES ARE DUE - You should have all received your dues invoices for 2012-2013. John Porro emailed or faxed them to everyone on May 1st. Dues are due on or before July 1st. Pay before that date and you'll get a 20% discount on lunches for next year. If you've got any questions contact John or Bill Quesenberry, Treasurer-Elect.
Chair Deena Bell-Llewellyn is keeping us really busy in May. This Saturday is Habitat for Humanity - volunteers meeting here at the Country Club parking lot at 7:00 a.m. ready to roll.
May 19th is a two-fer. From 1 until 3 p.m. it's Bingo with the Vets. It's only two hours but means the world to the guys in the Nursing Home. And if you sign up for the later shift at Shake-A-Leg's BAY DAY, you can help out at both (1:30 til 5:00 p.m.) and be there for the appreciation cocktail party after!!
Perfect Attendance
Congratulations to both Felix Pardo and Kelly Sastre for their perfect attendance. Felix has 24 years on April 29 and Kelly has 15 years on May 1. Both past presidents, they'll tell you that perfect attendance is really easy. Everything you do in Rotary counts!
People born under the sign of Taurus are persistent, determined, self indulgent and possessive. Say Happy Birthday this week to Ralph Cabrera who celebrates today, William Isaias tomorrow and Jorge Triay on May 6.
Two members are celebrating their Anniversaries this will, Mead McCabe is with us two years on May 6 and Ramon Ferrer, nine years on May 8. Congratulations and thanks for all your good years.
Introduction of Guests & Visitors
by Dick Bullman
Mr. B was especially happy today because it was bring your child to work day - and so they also got to come to Rotary! He loves it when the kids come too.
Former member and visiting Rotarian Mike Baird was here today from Palo Alto. Rosendo Castillo brought his lovely wife France; Terry Long brought the President of Coral Gables Kiwanis to check us out; Lorraine Sheldon introduced us to Jose Muniz; Sally B. brought her friend Rick Espinosa, owner of Coral Gables Florist; Bill Oates introduced us to Andrea Stone, a new lawyer in town; Donald Trombly brought son Nicholas to help out today; Don Slesnick introduced us to Judicial candidate Michelle Bearcat and her husband; Pat Morris brought his daughter Ellie who is a 4th grade member of Future Teachers of America; Joe Lancaster brought his daughter Julia who attends Carver Middle School and Jerry Santeiro brought his friend Raul Hernandez to hear today's program. Thanks for coming and for bringing the kids. Come back again very soon!
Happy $$$
President-Elect Walter Alvarez is honing his skills at fund raising by taking over Happy Dollars in the absence of the good Dr. Groh. As the happiest Rotarian today, Walter announced that his youngest son turns 18 on Cinco de Mayo and he's already received his eviction notice! Dan Scipione was $10 happy to be here. Two weeks after being in an infusion chair for treatment of his Leukemia he is very thankful for Fred Baddour's father's contributions to the creation of the drugs that they are using to treat his condition. Jim Roen is happy that his son Brandt is once again in first place in the Light Weight Eight for the third year! His daughter's team is in third place as well. Nicholas Trombly reported for his dad Donald today ... he is in Drama, he's going to play the King in a play, he's happy to be here AND (for his second turn at the mic) he helped his dad close a big insurance deal this morning. Mike Baird was happy to be here visiting friends. Don Slesnick said he forgot to mention that his guest Michelle Bearcat is running for Dade County Judge. J Guarch is just plain ecstatic. After the horrific accident last year and ten months in rehab his daughter is doing GREAT. She's living in Coconut Grove with her fiancee, she's writing and she says that she will be exercising daily for the rest of her life! Things could be worse. Diane Thurston is happy for two things: 1) her Save Our Sisters Dragonboat took gold in the competition and 2) she's really happy that her husband has recovered and is doing so well after his neck surgery. Bill Oates wanted to explain what happened with Carol Brock and their tennis game. Terry Long gave us an update on the cleft palates surgeries that we supported. Jim Skinner had lots of good things to say about his wife, the Judge. Happiness pays so keep on smiling!
Working Rotarians - May 3, 2012
Greeter - Steven Spann
Registration -Terry Long
Collections - Bill Quesenberry
Head Table - Rodney Langer
Special Needs - Lan Nghiem-Phu
Open the Meeting - Jack Witty
Invocation - Rodney Langer
Pledge - Edgard Mann
Singers - Bill Quesenberry & Dan Scipione
Pin Drawing Gift - George Reeves
Pin Drawing Winner - Carlos Ruiz de Quevedo
50/50 Raffle - Donald & Nicholas Trombly
50/50 Winner - Yoli Woodbridge
4-Way Test - Walter Alvarez
This Week's Program
"Return to Cuba" Rosendo Castillio, Carlos Ruiz de Quevedo & Jerry Santeiro shared their thoughts, experiences and photos from their individual and recent trips back to their homeland for the first time in 50 years.
ROSENDO CASTILLO was originally from Camaguey Provence. He left Cuba when he was 15 years old, in 1960. His opportunity to return for a visit came as a result of the Pope's visit to the Island in March. He accompanied officials from the Archdiocese here in Miami who were going to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of Our Lady of Charity.
Rosendo shared some great photos with us. As to his observations about life in Cuba today - "Apartheid is alive and well in Cuba, primarily because if you have Cuban pesos you cannot go anywhere the rich or the tourists are permitted to go." The thing that most amazed him is the still beautiful waters around the island.
CARLOS RUIZE DE QUEVEDO left Cuba on December 13, 1961 at the age of 11. He returned exactly 50 years to the day, December 13, 2011 on a short term mission trip for reunification. He said that everything, once you walk outside the airport, is like a trip back to the 1950's.
As an architect, he was most interested in and fascinated by the architecture and the decaying but still beautiful colonial style buildings. He has two interests at heart ... one is to have the opportunity to renovate some of these amazing, outstanding architectural gems and the other is to be instrumental in the re-forming of Rotary in Cuba. He appreciated the opportunity of reconnecting with long lost family.
JERRY SANTEIRO was born in Havana. He returned with his mother for her 90th birthday in January. He said that what struck him as the saddest is that Cuba is a failed system. It's based on the philosophy of the carrot and
and the stick. Except that there is no carrot. You have only to look at the people's faces to see how hopeless they feel.
Like the buildings, it's all a facade, there is nothing beyond. It's beautiful but a sham.
What he finds most disturbing is that despite the "embargo" the US is the second largest trading partner. Between the tourism dollars that flow to the island and the money that is sent from Cubans in Miami there are plenty of dollars in Cuba. But the money doesn't flow down. The top keeps everything and the rest of the Island is stuck in the 1950's.
Collectively they felt the best words to describe their return trips were; emotional, sad, overwhelming and inspiring. But to a man they were glad to return to the good ole USA!
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: 2012 Group Study Exchange Presentation.
Always good to see
old friends! Hello to
Mike Baird
Always good to see old
members too!! Glad
Felix dragged J to the
meeting today.

Like the buildings, it's all a facade, there is nothing beyond. It's beautiful but a sham.
What he finds most disturbing is that despite the "embargo" the US is the second largest trading partner. Between the tourism dollars that flow to the island and the money that is sent from Cubans in Miami there are plenty of dollars in Cuba. But the money doesn't flow down. The top keeps everything and the rest of the Island is stuck in the 1950's.
Collectively they felt the best words to describe their return trips were; emotional, sad, overwhelming and inspiring. But to a man they were glad to return to the good ole USA!
NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: 2012 Group Study Exchange Presentation.
Scene Scenes
Always good to see
old friends! Hello to
Mike Baird
Always good to see old
members too!! Glad
Felix dragged J to the
meeting today.
Join us next week.
Same time. Same place.
Same great bunch of Rotarians!
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